
Psychological evaluations are conducted to provide diagnosis and treatment recommendations for clients in need of assessment.


Harrison Psychological Services, LLC offers comprehensive evaluations via the administration of intelligence, personality, projective, neuropsychological, achievement, and vocational assessments.

Psychological evaluations/assessments involve a clinical interview and a series of instruments utilized by trained providers to clarify diagnostic impressions, parenting capacities, learning difficulties, competency, behavioral disturbances and emotional disturbances, and more. The underlying cause of the problems someone is facing isn’t always clear and tests can help provide clarity for a wide variety of issues. The purpose of an evaluation is typically to determine the most appropriate treatment for an individual.

Evaluations can also help identify things like personality traits, anger management issues, anxiety, depression, interpersonal skills, memory ADHD, and more. If you or your client is interested in a comprehensive evaluation contact us.

Please inquire about other possible evaluations of interest.

Schedule a consultation
"Fall in love with the process, and the results will come."

~ Eric Thomas